Tuesday 24 April 2012

The sound of one hand clapping

The sound of one hand clapping like working on something bigger alone,something that is supposed to be worked by more than one person,something that needs more power or responsibility if i should say. its like business with one owner,everything needs to be done it is the owner's duty. or for instance in a study group it happens sometimes that all though you are too many many five individuals in a study group but there is only one person concerned and passinate about work then we call it one hand clapping because the group does not work together,its only one erson who is struggling to make things work of which if the group was working together they would get the best mark than they do,now they do not get it because its only one person who is doing the work,it’s the sound of one hand clapping,another hand is not wiling to clap so the sound can not be the same as two hands.

Even in a marriage the same thing occurs,when a husband is really not responsible on the pay day he takes money and go to the tavern to finish spend the money with useless things without doing anything for the house or family,the only money that helps the family is Wife’s salary,that is one hand clapping because the husband that is supposed to support the wife is not supporting her,so it is only wife that is helping the family and  keep everything going of which things would not be the way they should be if the husband was responsible enough because now it’s the sound of one hand clapping,the other hand is not helping or supporting  another one at all.

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